About us

Complex societal challenges
Today’s major societal challenges cannot be solved by any one individual or organization alone. Issues like climate change, aging populations, cybercrime, and privacy concerns require collective effort and collaboration.

Systemic Co-Design
Addressing these challenges demands expertise in collective change, an understanding of how systems function, and the ability to bring new ideas into the world. However, practical experience shows that these areas of expertise often remain separate domains, each with its own theories, models, methods, and tools. Our goal is to combine and apply systemic perspectives and co-design in new ways and across different fields, validating and refining these approaches. By working on real-world cases, we learn together in practice—developing models, methodologies, and approaches that offer creative solutions to pressing societal challenges.

As an expert network, we advance the definition and application of Systemic Co-Design (SCD) in multiple ways. We organize learning events ranging from workshops and networking sessions to multi-day conferences (such as the RSD in Amsterdam). We conduct practice-based research, develop educational programs, and work on professionalization—guided by our Dynamic Learning Agenda.


ESCalators are learning sessions in the form of a half-day workshop, open to the entire network as well as other interested participants. Two professors and one or more practice partners bring together their expertise and experience in SCD, using real-world cases as a starting point. This way, we share and combine Systemic Co-Design knowledge and tools, making them accessible to a wider audience. ESCalators are designed for mutual learning.


Because an ESCalator can sometimes feel too ‘open,’ the ESCapade was created. This is a small, closed session where a single practice partner presents a case or challenge to one professor. In a setting of trust and openness, questions arise—such as where a more systemic approach could have been valuable or why co-design proved to be particularly challenging.


Twice a year, we organize an ESConferentie, a larger learning network event where knowledge and practical experiences are shared within the network, and updates are provided on the development of the framework and toolbox.


This is our program to train practice partners, researchers, and educators in applying SCD within their own practice, research, or education.

1. Systemic Co-Design… what is this?

What exactly is SCD: a method, a toolkit, a mindset? What relationships are there between S, C and D?

2. SCD in me

As an individual, how can you use the lenses that Systemic Co-Design offers, what does that require?

3. SCD with others

How can stakeholders in transition processes cooperate with each other in SCD? What does this require of relationships, of language?

4. SCD in systems

How can Systemic Co-Design get hands on in real, complex contexts: ‘in the mud’?

5. SCD and time

How can consciously anticipating futures contribute to Systemic Co-Design?

6. SCD monitoring

How can you monitor SCD processes in a way that promotes reflexivity of a system?

Our team
The Expertise Network Systemic Co-design consists of a team of professors, (senior) researchers and impact makers, supported by the program manager and community manager. Together with students we research and work on social issues in different contexts, such as projects, knowledge centers or labs.